Sunday, March 23, 2014

Flora and Fauna in Wales

Going back a bit, a handful of photos of our last few days in Conwy.  Birds and greenery.....just a wee hint of Spring to come for our friends and family in Canada and the US.

Apple blossom trees in front of the B&B.  During the two weeks there, it exploded with flowers.  The very last day it was chocked full of beautiful Spring blossoms.

The Little Egret is a long way from the Nature Reserve in search of food.  Her striking white plume of feathers were exquisite against a foggy day and dark river beds.  Lovely girl.

We have found that sheep are usually docile and quietly eating grass.  But not this group?  At first they were all frantically running and jumping around a tower but it appeared almost manic.  Not sure the exact reason why they were doing that?  But we watched and laughed until they settled and composed themselves for a rest.  Now there's the sheep we have come to know and love.  I'm bring one home for sure!

Flowers growing right out of the rock face.  Really pretty.  Striking contrast of colours.

This brilliant English Ivy grows right up to the top of this hill, inclusive of the trees around, and goes all along the path....very, very hardy and beautiful.  We also saw kilometres of leeks growing in the woodlands were we were hiking.  The delicious. 
 "I'm craving potato and leek soup and don't know why?"

The Little Egret making friends with the Canadian Mallard ducks.  They appeared to be trying to stay out of her way.

Pretty little birds happily singing in the fog.  This is a Song Thrush with a beautiful melody.  These little bird numbers are declining for unknown reasons?

Vibrant yellow flowers on a huge bush made up of mostly long branches.  Doesn't look like it belongs here in Wales?

"Can you share your ice cream with me?  Just one lick that's all I'm asking for?"

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