Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sea Shells for Hoarders or Collectors

Shell collecting is a tricky situation.  There is much joy to be had in searching for the BEST shell ever.  But on the other hand....have you found yourself miles from where you started walking the beach because you haven't looked up to see how far you are??
Do you have shoe boxes filled with shells?
How about huge vases.....a creative way to display them?
Do you get lost in the search and maybe.....just maybe get caught by a wave?

No?  Then I would say you are may not be an avid collector or hoarder of sea shells.
But I am.

No therapy needed because I LOVE shell collecting.  If you have been at the trailer, you know how many I already have collected from our many travels around the world.

Thus......having said all that.....I took pictures of the shells at North Berwick waterfront when Deb and I spent six (yes....6) hours at the beach.  That would be a great way to enjoy them for all time, but not have to find room for them in my suitcases or back home in the garden?

....But I must confess that I might have mailed some home already????
I know....I know.....the first step is admitting you have a problem.

In any event, enjoyment comes from sharing and here are my picks of the day.

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