Monday, November 18, 2013

I Am Sure It Is Right Around The Corner? Part 3

"Live in each season as it passes;  breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each."- Henry David Thoreau

By this time, we realized we took a loooong way around to get to here.  Where is here?  Still no church, even though we passed two impressive cathedrals along the route.
But again, it was a comfortable day weather wise, the company was great, and we are in no hurry because we are RETIRED and on a very long holiday.

A very cleaver architectural design that we noticed on some of the renovated older homes appear like the one below.  They leave a part of the original medieval design and add a more modern or practical aspect. Difficult to appreciate through pictures but very neat to see.

A random sculpture on the outside of a building.  

Another random figurine on a sign post outside a restaurant. He appears quite happy and content sitting on his little post.

Our journey has been a slow and steady climb up along this very old neighbourhood.  The buildings are looking more distinguished in an medieval way.  Small and very worn, twisty and very narrow streets.  I think we might be getting close?

I didn't know what this exquisite building was until we got back to our hotel. 
It is "Two Moorish's Houses."  Built 300 years ago.  The designs on it are quite intricate. A single-storey private home that gives an example of Baroque architecture.

The gate of the Moorish home is framed by twisted columns and its ledge held by two Moorish figures.
This is an example of finding a 'gem' when you are not looking for it.  Getting lost is well worth the trouble sometimes.

Debbie.....what's that?
I think I see it.....the Gothic church....still up a hill from where we are?

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