Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Lisbon, Portugal A Delightful Old City

Our ship glides through the still waters to the Port of Lisbon.  This bridge "The 25th of April" suspension bridge is one of the world's longest at 2.2 kilometres long.  Built in 1966.  Looks like the San Francisco bridge.  The name given to the bridge was as a nod to a Revolution that took part on that date in 1974.

At the far end of the bridge is a statue that is reminiscent of the same in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The "Cristo-Rei" the "Christ the King" his arms stretch out to the city of Lisbon.  The statue is 79 meters high.

Another ship in port.....a Costa ship.

Lisbon is the capital and largest city of Portugal.  Population 548,000.  
We have realized that we are mostly 'village or small town' travellers.  Big cities are big cities no matter where in the world they are.  Lisbon is chaotic with streetcars and vespas and buses and many, many people.  Very busy for us.  Having said that, we love the hustle and bustle but often look for the quieter places for visit in the cities.

With that in mind, we started out day by taking a funicular up to this view point for a look at Lisbon.
Miradouro de Sao Pedro de Alcantara is a park easily accessible via funicular.

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....."

All aboard.  A memorable trip on this funicular, the Elevador da Gloria.  Only 1.45 euros for one way.

From the park, we can see the Castle of Sao Jorge.

The National Symbol of Portugal is the Barcelos Rooster, based on a legend.

The Brasileira Cafe is a 100 year old establishment.  In the 1920-1930's it was a literary hang out for writers.
But, Rick Steves, the travel guy, says they have THE best custard tarts in Portugal.  Of course we had to try them.

A rest and delicious treat and we are ready to make our way to the famous castle across the city.
After a streetcar ride that just kept going higher and higher, we then walked higher and higher.

Are we there yet?  Climb higher.

Finally we arrive at one of the highest points of the city, the Castle of Sao Jorge.

Castle of Sao Jorge is a Moorish castle that overlooks the city.  It is in remarkable condition.  Built in the 2nd century B.C.

Debbie has the castle all to herself.

Artists outside of the walls.  Serene twilight.

I wondered why these signs were located within the castle walls?  I know why now and so will you by my pictures.  Mostly no rails or walls high enough to keep you safely on the ramparts.  OMG!

Gifts from God.....

Hang on Debbie!!!

Surrounding the castle are incredible walk ways and parks.  Places to eat, sit quietly or look out over the vast city of Lisbon. roofs...the sea...and the bridge way, way in the back.

A room with a view....sigh.

Where is my rail????  A fall from here is definitely going to leave a mark.

Peacocks and more peacocks.  Again, exotic birds that run free and beg at the tables for food....just like chipmunks...but a lot prettier.

My favourite two peacocks.

Good luck with having a quiet dinner?? lol.

My favourite, two Portuguese men hanging out amongst the tourists.

After our many hours of touring the castle, we were ready for a sit-down and cappuccino.  I had a brilliant idea.  Instead of going ALL the way around, we could just take the stairs (alley) down to the ship?  I can see the ship from far can it be?
You can see the stairs through the problem.

This was great.  Getting to see some of the older buildings between the castle and the harbour.  There are other tourists walking....we will follow them.
Just don't lose sight of them.

OMG...I lost sight of them.  Does it look like it is getting dark?  What time is it?  
When does the ship leave??

Each turn we take, we find many different ways to go.  Oh oh...I think we are in trouble.

By this time, Debbie is not talking anymore....cause she is getting nervous...and to be honest so was I.
A little to close to the people in this area.
We are seriously lost.

Should we sit at these benches....and cry....come on...keep going.

Is that light I see ahead.......

We made it!!!!!

Lesson many twisty turny streets in European cities....if crammed for time DO NOT take short cuts.
Got it.

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