Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bath, England and Other Daytrips

A sneak peek at what's coming up!!

From Bath, there are many day trips to be experienced for a reasonable amount of time and money.  We booked a few from the Tourist Information Centre, which is usually the first place we go when we arrive in a new city.

Off we go.....

Avebury, England has the largest stone circles in Europe.  There are three circles that surround this village.  Neolithic henge monuments of enormous stones.
5000-6000 years old???
Unless we had an aerial view of the circles, there is no way to get a photo.  It is about 1088 feet in diameter.
Hug a stone.  They are said to have healing and fertility powers.  No babies please!

Massive.  Some are estimated to weigh up to 100 tons?  Constructed around 2600 BCE.  

The Devils Chair.....what is little Debbie doing in it?

On to the countryside.......

A Cotswold thatched roof cottage along our drive.

Visiting the cute town of Lacock, England.  The BBC show, "Pride and Prejudice" with Colin Firth, was filmed here.  It is unspoiled in appearance, and looks just like a typical English town.

 Below is a home in Lacock that was used in the "Harry Potter" movies.  It was Professors Slughorn's hideaway.

As well, Lacock Abbey was one of the location for the "Harry Potter" movies.  Many of the Hogwart's corridors and passage ways were filmed here.  As well as Professor Snape's potions classroom, Professor Quirrell's Dark Arts classroom and as a Hogwart study hall.

Now for some very old stuff......

The famous, Stonehenge.  A prehistoric monument found about an hour from London, England.  

Believed to have been built between 3000-2000 BC.  It is absolutely worth the trip.

Surrounding Stonehenge are hundreds of burial mounds up to 15 miles away?

Back into the Cotswold's countryside......

The beautiful Castle Combe.  Population is about 350.  Voted one of the "Prettiest Villages in England."  It is a charmer.

This was the location for movie "War Horse."

A very trusting soul, bakes cakes every morning and leaves them outside his home on a little table.  There is a sign asking to please take what you would like and leave two - five sterling pounds in the slot in the door.  How cute is that?

In 1966 the movie "Doctor Doolittle" was filmed at this location.  Rex Harrison actually rented one of the cute Cotswold home in Castle Combe while filming.

It was really damaged from the storms and flooding that England was battered with in December.

I want to live above there?

"And Castle Combe presents this charming scene, 
of hill, woods and meadows cloth'd in green.
Here grand terrestrial scenes, almost celestial nice,
makes Castle Combe, sweet vale, an earthy Paradise." - Edward Paradise

Blooming tulips!

Wiltshire is a gorgeous scenic landscape in the English countryside.  But it also has a very interesting sight....or should I say sights?

A huge white chalk horse on a hill?
There are in fact about 24 of these in Britain.  Only about 8 are still visible.
Some of these date back 250 years.

This Westbury Hill is the oldest from 1778.

The picture below appears very old but indeed I took it last week while we were visiting the city of Bath.   i thought it looked great in black and white.  These four young ladies dressed in a retro uniform are actually students from the Norland College.  Founded in 1892, it provides an education in child care thus turning out highly sought after Nannies and Au pairs. 

Guess what I found?  Highgrove, a store, which was founded by Prince Charles of England.  Profits from the sales of Highgrove products are donated to the Prince of Wales Charitable Foundation.  In turn, it supports a wide range of causes and projects through grants.  Everything is organic.  He has been on the lead edge of conservation and organic farming before it was fashionable and important.  I bought a couple of wee

Tim our great tour driver and guide for the day.  He kind of had the mannerisms and speech of Hugh Grant......a super tour.

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