"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."- Steve Jobs
Amen to that.
Our last day in Sopron. When I mentioned this place to Deb, it came out of left field. To be honest, the price was right. We used our timeshare to book two weeks here. Little did we know what a wonderful, calming, and educational experience it would be.
The people here have been warm and friendly. They humour us when we pronounce some words wrong and smile at us because we try. That's really all you need is to try. Funny how they seem to know Hungarian isn't our first language? I can't imagine why?
Calm are we after two weeks of rest and besides going for our walk into the city, basically we have relaxed and slowed down.
How little we knew of the historic significance of this small city. I have tried to share a bit within this blog, at the same time hopefully not boring anyone with too much info.
Here is our last day....wandering around Sopron....(which is what we do best)...taking it all in, just in case we aren't back this way.
Deb and I in the beautiful courtyard, next to the Roman walls, just outside the Old City gate.
I love the cobblestone walk.
This is the Lutheran Church from the 1600's. Deb had wanted to peek in this church for two weeks...today it was open.
So we went in.....
Touring churches has always been something Deb and I enjoy together. Some churches have a way of evoking emotions when you sit and be one with them in silence.
The mail delivery system in Sopron. I didn't have the heart to take a picture of the postman, but I loved the bike he used. (Posta, refers to mail or post office in Hungarian and actually Italian too).
A sweet one-eyed cute kitty saying good-bye to Debbie in the Old City. Early in our trip, I saw this kitty sitting on a bench, in front of the Lutheran Church with a gentleman reading his paper. Too cute for words.
Every street has a monument of significance on it. This is the first time we walked pass this sculpture.
Just enjoying the artistry.
Debbie's Mom still letting us know she is keeping an eye on us. There were owls in Salzburg and now in Sopron. Thanks Irene for watching over us.
I'm sure everyone thinks all we do is hang out in cafes, or restaurants, eating sweets and yummy food and of course cappuccino. But in reality....
We do! lol.
With the Roman walls behind us, the Town Hall to our left, and the main street to our right we say good-bye to the city of Sopron.
Onto our next adventure.......
Debbie is going to miss this hill!!
Stay tuned for Vienna, Austria the home of Waltzing and classical music.
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